4. Avatar, banner, description and the ability to create a unique user ID.
5. The username can contain any symbols and emoji, it is not necessary to enter the last name.
6. User registration with a check for those already in the database – email and ID, without regard to the case
of letters.
7. When registering, it is not necessary to enter the ID and name. If there is no id and name, the id is created automatically using – Nano ID, and the name remains empty.
15. Like system and a separate page with liked posts.
16. Hashtag system. A separate page for a specific hashtag. Hashtags are sorted without regard
to case, for example, when creating a hashtag – ‘CRYSTAL’, subsequent hashtags with the names –
‘Crystal’ and
will be sorted in the block of recommended hashtags under the name – ‘CRYSTAL’.
17. Translation into English and Russian, using
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